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Principal’s Weekly Post – Week 4

The Principal’s Weekly Post

Week 4: 27 SEPTEMBER 2024

A week of wonderful engagement

As the first signs of winter begin to show themselves, we’ve been enjoying a real sense of warmth and respect this week at York High School.

Our students have been deeply engaged in their learning, and we can feel a strong sense of momentum building as the academic year progresses. This week, we’ve placed particular focus on our Year 11 intervention programme, which is now in full swing to support our GCSE students as they prepare for their summer exams next year.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend – hopefully the weather will be kind!

Gavin Kumar

Diary dates

Tuesday 8 October
Open Evening for Year 5/6 pupils and their families.

School will close an hour early on this day so that we can prepare for the event. Please contact school if this causes issues with childcare.

Wednesday 23 October, Wednesday 6 November & Wednesday 13 November
Exam Stress Sessions for Year 11


Year 7 Footballers dig deep!

Our Year 7 boys football team travelled to Bootham School last week and showed great resilience to come back from 3-1 down, to draw 3-3.

Well done boys on a fantastic team effort!

Mr Ramsey

York High gains Music Mark status

York High School has been nominated by York Music Hub as a Music Mark School for 2024-2025. To have been nominated we had to have:

  • evidence of a willingness to engage in development conversations related to improving music provision.
  • recognition of the value of music education as part of a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • a strategy for music in place which provides for all children.

We are very proud to be a Music Mark School and of the Performing Arts curriculum and extracurricular opportunities at York High School.

Mrs Lancaster

Sparx Maths update

Students have had a fantastic start to Sparx Maths this year. Here are the highlights:

  • 71,303 questions have been answered correctly
  • 210 students have reached a new XP level
  • 574 hours have been completed
  • 35 students have improved their times tables
  • 7x/Ma1 have the highest XP per student

Well done to all!

Mrs Garrett

Enrichment booklets

This week, our Key Stage 3 pupils have received a copy of our Enrichment 2024-25 booklet. We encourage young people to try out as many clubs as possible – there’ll be prizes for the young people with the most attendances.

Clubs are also open to Key Stage 4 pupils.

Sports clubs – your chance to get involved!

It’s been fantastic to see so many young people making the most of our recreational sports clubs offer this week. We’ve seen more than 180 students taking part in a range of different sports after school.

If you haven’t got involved yet, it’s not too late! Take a look at the list of clubs and activities on offer, choose something of interest and we’ll look forward to seeing you next week!

Mrs Haldenby

YHS Alumni – where are they now?

We love to hear from our ex-students to find out what they have been doing since they left school – their careers, achievements and their tips for success. To share your career pathway memories and advice for the next generation of York High students, simply fill in this short form

Mrs Callan

Amarna House Care Home visit

Last week, eleven Year 8 students visited Amarna House Care Home to discuss their favourite books with residents and read a chapter.

The students were absolutely brilliant and had some wonderful conversations. Well done to all!

Battlefields trip

Thank you to the parents, guardians and young people who came along on Wednesday for the parent information evening about the forthcoming Battlefields trip. Any parents who were unable to make the session should have received a copy of the presentation from the evening.

The excitement is building with the trip now just four weeks away! If any questions arise, please contact Miss Bettney.

The YHS Way

Next week’s focus: Routines and Habits – Uniform

At YHS expectations around uniform are:

  1. School jumper should be worn at all times. You can ask to remove it in lessons.
  2. Coats, jackets, jumpers or scarves should be removed before entering the building.
  3. All black shoes. No gold, silver or logos visible.
  4. Shirt tucked in and buttoned up to the top.
  5. Tie worn to below your shirt pocket.
  6. The only jewellery should be one pair of studs and a watch.
  7. Everything else should be removed before school.
  8. Hair colour must be natural.
  9. We’d prefer you not to wear makeup but if you feel like you want to, it must be minimal.
  10. Nail extensions are not allowed.

We do this because:

  1. We need to ensure everyone can take part in all parts of lessons.
  2. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable in school.
  3. We want you to have pride in the school and the uniform shows that.
  4. You have to follow dress codes in work.

Parent Carer Forum

To find out more about events and support available from the Parent Carer Forum, please take a look at their latest newsletter here.

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