If your income is low, you may be entitled to free school meals and other educational benefits. This will also bring in more income from the government to York High School.
If you are eligible, the following benefits are available:
York High receives extra money from government under the Pupil Premium scheme for all children registered for these Educational Benefits. This extra money is very valuable and helps York High to support students.
Even if you would not like your child to receive free school meals on a regular basis, York High School would benefit from the Pupil Premium, and your child will get free curriculum trips and can take up a free school meal on any day they choose.
To qualify, your child must be in full time education and parents or carers must be in receipt of one of the following:
Information on who is eligible for educational benefits is kept confidential. Students entitled to free school meals will not be identified: they will select their meals and pay in the same way as all the other students. Students entitled to free school meals will have their accounts credited every day with the value of a free school meal; parents may add additional money to their child’s account if they wish. Trip payments will be handled in a similarly discreet way.
You can check your eligibility for free school meals and apply online on the North Yorkshire Council website.
Who remembers assemblies like this ⁉️
Kids at @York_High had local star jockey @jomason90 come take their assembly before they met a racehorse up close 🏇
The Principal's Weekly Post is live now
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What a great day!
The Y8 students loved meeting Remy & Poppy and chatting with the staff, as did everyone else that popped by during break.
Well done to Annie, Ruby and Lewis for being great interviewees.
The Principal's Weekly Post is live now
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