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Message from the Head – Week 36

Week 36 – 28 June 2024


Key Dates

  • Y10 Geography Field Trip – Monday 1st July
  • Y6 Meet the Tutor – Monday 1st & Tuesday 2nd July
  • Y7 Risk Awareness – Tuesday 2nd July
  • Y6 Transition Day – Wednesday 3rd July
  • Y9 YOLO Day – Thursday 4th July

What a week!

I am always proud to be part of York High School but this week our students have been beyond superb.

Year 11 prom was brilliant on Thursday, any of you who were there saw how glamorous they all looked.  It is always a great evening and a pleasure to catch up with ex students who are there to see family members at prom.

Well done to all of the students who represented the school in the York Schools Athletics.  Well done to speedy Logan for second in the boys 100 metres, James for his explosive power in coming second in the Year 10 Shot Putt and to Logan, Alfred, Riley and Max in the 4 x 100 relay.

Year 7 students who visited the University on Wednesday you were the youngest there but had the best attitude.

Year 8 what a fantastic day everyone said that you had in Liverpool, brilliant attitude.

Big week next week for Year 6 with transition day and plenty more trips.

Have a rest this weekend it’s a busy week next week!

Rod Sims


Hornsea Visit

Last Friday the Geography team took 30 Y9 students to Hornsea to study coastal defences and their effectiveness.

We were so lucky with the weather, and the behaviour was fantastic!



Year 8 Liverpool Trip

One of the best parts of my job is the privilege of organising school trips, and Tuesday’s group of Year 8s were possibly the best group I have ever taken.

Every single student engaged, demonstrated respect and curiosity (and a steadfast determination to consume all of the food Pizza Hut had to offer!).

We were so impressed with them – thank you Year 8!

Miss Bettney



Year 9 Employability workshop

On Thursday, 16 Year 9s spent the afternoon considering employability skills including teamwork and communication. This was in conjunction with WildHearts and Nestle, and students developed their own business ideas.

Staff involved were so, so impressed with the students’ engagement and confidence – well done!


Piano Exams

Well done to Year 9’s Lucy and Isobel who both achieved a Merit in their Grade 1 ABRSM Piano Exams. Congratulations!

Mrs Lancaster


Sports News

Athletics Final

This week our students took part in the final of the York & District Athletics competition.

Just getting to this stage of the competition is a massive achievement, so well done to all that attended.

Annie, Logan, James, Max, Alexa, Alfred, Riley, Mollie, Jess, Olivia, Lottie, Lucy and Max

Special recognition for outstanding performance goes to…

Logan, 2nd place in the Y7 boys 100m with a time of 13.7s!

James, 2nd place in the Shot Put throwing a whopping 9.2m

And for the first time ever! Logan, Alfred, Riley, Max, 2nd place in the Y7 boys 4 x 100m relay!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Haldenby



In Other News


Years 7 and 9 Drop Down Days

On Tuesday 2nd July, Year 7 will be off timetable for an exceptionally exciting day engaging with the emergency services and other providers. The intention of the day is to inform young people about risks in the community and measures we can take to reduce this risk.

Students should bring their planner and equipment as normal, as well as a water bottle due to the heat.


On Thursday 4th July, Year 9 will be off timetable for a day focused around challenges faced by teenagers. As part of the day, North Yorkshire Police will deliver a talk on cyber safety. They will also have taught lessons on mental health and body image, before a fantastic 2 hour play and workshop from An Invisible Man covering: peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, and mental health.

If you’d like more information, please contact Miss Bettney



Next week’s focus – Eating – We have designated areas to eat and drink


Instrumental / Vocal Lessons from September 2024

Please fill in the following form if you would like instrumental and/or vocal tuition next academic year.

If your child currently has lessons, these will continue next academic year unless you let the hub know otherwise.


Lost Property

We have accumulated a large number of coats and items of lost property.

If your child has lost a coat, item of school uniform or anything else, please ask them to pop down to pupil reception at break or lunchtime to check lost property.

Any items not collected will be donated to charity over the summer holidays.

If your child has a tie at home with ‘YHS LOAN’ stamped on the inside label, please could you ensure it is returned to pupil reception early next week.

Thank you



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