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Homework / Resources

KS3 Homework Policy

1 piece of homework every 2 weeks in English, Maths, Science, Geography, History and MFL.

1 piece of homework per half term in  Art, Computing, Drama, DT, Music and RS.

At KS3 we want our students to develop good habits in order that they are well prepared for their KS4 studies and beyond. We will set homework in line with the expectations above and would expect that students in Y7, 8 and 9 spend no more than 30 minutes on an individual piece of homework. 

We are working hard to develop the resilience, and aspiration of our students to make them highly successful in their studies at YHS.  We would therefore encourage all students to complete homework to the best of their ability and ensure that they ask any questions that might arise from their self-directed study either via the stream on Google Classrooms or in subsequent lessons. 

Although staff may not always mark every single piece of homework individually, they will provide answers and feedback on a class level to support pupils in their learning.

We welcome the support you are able to offer at home with this important part of our student’s studies.



KS4 Homework Policy

1 piece of homework every 2 weeks in  all examination based subjects.

At KS4 we want our students to build on the good homework habits that they have developed at KS3, in readiness for the terminal exams at the end of Y11. However, completion of homework tasks is not our only expectation of students and won’t in itself guarantee success.  We are working hard in school to develop the resilience, and aspiration of our students to make them highly successful in their studies at YHS and beyond. We would therefore strongly recommend that students use time at home to prepare revision cards*/mind maps of the topics they are studying in class.  This will mean that as they approach formal assessments they have the revision materials prepared and can then spend their time revising rather than creating the revision resources.

Additionally where a quiz has been set as homework, pupils should of course take the quiz, but also spend time looking at their results and reading back through their notes to identify the correct information where mistakes have been made.

Revision guides will often have questions which pupils can work through and submit to their teacher for assessment.

Although staff may not always mark every single piece of homework individually, they will provide answers and feedback on a class level to support pupils in their learning.

We welcome the support that you can offer at home and teachers are happy to answer any questions that may arise.

NB. A powerpoint showing how to make effective revision cards is available in the Y11 Google Classroom.

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