Mrs Emily Callan
Careers Lead
Miss Annabel Hyde
Careers Administrator
Mr Steven McLean
Independent Careers Advisor
The main aims of careers provision at York High School are to:
This policy is underpinned by Sections 42A and 45A of the Education Act 1997, and has regard to the DfE’s statutory guidance, ‘Careers guidance and inspiration in schools’, which was last updated in October 2018.
Careers Guidance at York High connects learning to the future and is an integral part of Personal, Social and Health Education. Our aim is to motivate students by giving them a clearer idea of the routes to jobs and careers that they will find engaging and rewarding. We believe our careers guidance widens our students’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life. We support social mobility by improving opportunities for all students. The programme includes:
You can find out more about our Careers Programme here.
You can find our Provider Access Policy here.
We will evaluate the success of the careers programme by:
Through our strong partnership with NCOP, YHS students will meet with employers and other outside agencies to gain independent and impartial advice about the options which are best suited to them as individuals.
The careers curriculum is enriched through external support with opportunities to engage with external teams on a regular basis.
Should you wish to contact our aspirations and careers team to give feedback, or seek help, please email Mrs Callan:
Who remembers assemblies like this ⁉️
Kids at @York_High had local star jockey @jomason90 come take their assembly before they met a racehorse up close 🏇
The Principal's Weekly Post is live now
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What a great day!
The Y8 students loved meeting Remy & Poppy and chatting with the staff, as did everyone else that popped by during break.
Well done to Annie, Ruby and Lewis for being great interviewees.
The Principal's Weekly Post is live now
Follow the link to check it out..