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Message from the Head – Week 35

Week 35 – 21 June 2024


Key Dates

  • Year 10 Practice Exams – Continue
  • YHS Pride & Diversity Week – Monday 24th – Friday 28th June
  • Y8 Liverpool Trip – Tuesday 25th June
  • Y11 Prom – Thursday 27th June

Here Comes the Summer

It is a beautiful day at YHS as Summer seems to have really arrived the day after the longest day of the year.

Another group of people who have brought the sunshine this week are our Year 10 students.  Their attitude to their exams in the first week has been the best that we have seen at YHS.

It has been the first time that I have thought twice about leaving.

Well done Year 10 you have been exceptional in your attitude this week.

What a day for the Year 9 students who have gone to Hornsea today.

I hope that all of the students appreciated the video assembly about Rob Burrow and his families heroic fight against MND.  I am on my way tonight to celebrate Rob as Leeds take on Leigh Leopards.


Have a great weekend.

Rod Sims


Meet Tilly!

We are excited to announce that Tyrion, Mrs Alexander’s assistance dog, has a new friend in school!  Tilly, who is Miss Burns’ golden retriever, has joined school as an emotional support animal.

Tilly is now in her induction period and we will be seeing more of her in September!


Year 10 Geography

On Monday last week a group Year 10 Geographers took part in a sustainability conference at York University.

In the morning there were workshops about sustainable planning followed by a competition across 7 schools to produce a sustainability plan for York.

The students were a real credit to the school and all the workshop leaders were incredibly impressed with the student’s enthusiasm and teamwork.

We came a very close second to All Saints who were the overall winners. Well done to all those involved!

Mr Pattinson – Subject Leader


Year 10 Gardening Project

6 of our Y10 students were up at Sanderson House this week helping out with the garden.

I was really impressed with their horticulture skills, planting lavender, lemon mint and staking up the raspberries.
Mrs Callan


Choral Festival

On Tuesday, 13 of our students from across the year groups travelled to the Music Department at the University of York to participate in the York Schools Choral Festival.

The day was full of singing workshops, a Gamelan workshop (Indonesian ensemble), joint choir rehearsals and a rehearsal of our own piece, not forgetting the all-important banner making before the concert in the afternoon.

At every stage of the day, our students were a credit to themselves and to the school.

It was commented that our students were the best group over the 2 days to do the Gamelan workshop and teachers and students from other schools commented on how much energy their performance had.

Not that I’m biased, but our banner was also definitely the best!

Mrs Lancaster



Aesthetica Film Festival

Last Friday, students had a session from Ben at Viridian FX who are based in York.

They have just finished working on the recent HBO series of House of the Dragon and Ben shared some of his work with the students.

Tuesday saw the first of the workshops after school from the Pauline Quirke Academy working with Killian, who has worked for major companies such as ITV.

Students learnt about how to set up and compose shots, the roles of different people in a tech crew, how to control the boom and also the lighting.

They then finished the session by coming up with their ideas for their own film, which they will create, star in and film over the next 4 weeks.



Since September…
  • over 5783 hours of independent Maths work has been completed
  • an amazing 701,019 questions have been answered correctly
  • 212 students have improved their times tables
  • 10x/Ma3 have the highest average XP per student.
The following students have reached the next XP level:
  • Daniel S – 8x/Ma1
  • Haryar S – 9y/Ma2
  • Ollie R – 7y/Ma1
  • Isobel S – 9x/Ma1
  • Amelia G – 7x/Ma2
  • Mutsa M – 9x/Ma2
  • Bryce P – 7x/Ma2
  • Paisley T-C – 9x/Ma1
  • Betsy F – 7x/Ma2
  • Maddie H – 10x/Ma2
  • Ethan M – 9y/Ma1


Visiting Y6 at Westfield

Last week, I had the joy of meeting many of our students’ younger siblings, relatives and friends at Westfield in Year 6. I delivered a session about resilience and its importance at secondary – it was delightful to meet so many of our future Year 7s!

Miss Bettney



In Other News


Pride & Diversity Week

Next week, to round off Pride Month, we will be celebrating School Diversity Week 2024.

The YHS Pride & Diversity Week will be filled with information and events promoting positive LGBT+ messages, aimed at improving student wellbeing, regardless of whether they’re LGBT+ or not.

There will be a host of activities in the library each day during break and lunch, and we will end the week with a Rainbow Themed Non-Uniform Day.

Students and staff are encouraged to come into school on Friday 28th June in their most colourful outfit.

Liverpool Trip – Tuesday 25th June

Next week is the Year 8 Liverpool trip. Information about this has gone home including what to bring and timings; if you need further information, please let Miss Bettney know via reception.

If your child has any medication, including an inhaler, they must bring this on Tuesday.



Next week’s focus – Movement – We walk calmly and quietly around the building


Instrumental / Vocal Lessons from September 2024

Please fill in the following form if you would like instrumental and/or vocal tuition next academic year.

If your child currently has lessons, these will continue next academic year unless you let the hub know otherwise.


Lost Property

We have accumulated a large number of coats and items of lost property prior to breaking up for half term.

If your child has lost a coat, item of school uniform or anything else, please ask them to pop down to pupil reception at break or lunchtime to check lost property.

Any items not collected will be donated to charity over the summer holidays.

If your child has a tie at home with ‘YHS LOAN’ stamped on the inside label, please could you ensure it is returned to pupil reception early next week.

Thank you



Community News

Make Space For Girls

There are lots of free events and activities happening until the end of June as part of the ‘Make Space for Girls’ Festival.

A focus on getting older girls into parks and having fun, trying new things and meeting new people.  Book free places:

FREE events coming up at Rowntree Park:

Fri 21st June 5-6pm – Cheerleading
Fri 21st June 6.30-8pm – Basketball
Sat 22nd June 10-11.30am – Herbal Remedies Workshop
Sat 22nd June 1-2.30pm Drawing the Park (Art session)
Sat 22nd June 3-5pm – EmpowerHer Theatre Workshop
Sun 23rd 10.30-12.30pm History of GirlPower
Sun 23rd June 1-2pm – Botanical Beauties (Art Session)
Tues 25th June 4.30-5.30- Drama Workshop
Thurs 27th June 5-6.30pm -Art Workshop
Fri 28th June 6.30-8pm – Basketball
Sat 29th June 10-12pm – Printing session
Sat 29th June 1-4pm – Room to Roar (poetry/spoken word)
Sun 30th June 1-4pm – West Bank Park Summer Fair – come to our information stall and a chance to join Tik Tok, Street Dance and Cheerleading sessions!



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