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Message from the Head – Week 37

Week 37 – 5 July 2024


Key Dates

  • SBMAT ArtsFest / Barbican Event – Tuesday 9th July
  • Y10 Geography Residential – Wednesday 10th – Friday 12th July
  • French Cafe Day – Friday 12th July

Busy, busy, busy!

What a busy week this has been.

Rolling over from the Year 11 prom last week to Mondays Risk Day for Year 7, Yolo for Year 9 on Thursday and right in the middle the chance to meet The Year 6 students who came for Transition.

Year 6 were so good on Wednesday, Mr Kumar will be so pleased when he starts in September to have such a brilliant Year 7.


Lets hope the sunshine stays all weekend.

All the best


York High Prom

York High School celebrated the end of GCSE exams with their Prom held at Fairfield Manor.

Students arrived in a variety of spectacular ways including Horse and Carriage, supercars and the most spectacular HGV.

Mr Walker, Senior Pastoral Leader at York High said “Tonight has been a fantastic celebration of a year group that got better and better”.

The students looked fantastic, behaved brilliantly and had a great time.

Headteacher Rod Sims who organised the first ever prom at Archbishop Holgate’s School and has attended the last 16 York High School proms said “My last prom is undoubtedly one of the best, it is an absolute joy to see the students develop from 11-year-old children to young adults.

So proud of these students and all YHS students.



Year 10 Geography Field Trip

On Monday the GCSE Geographers went in to York to conduct their compulsory fieldwork.
They were a credit to our school, and displayed some excellent Geographical techniques.

They spent Tuesday with their Geography teachers analysing their data and results.
If your young person studies Geography, please make sure they have their fieldwork data safe, and ask them to share their findings with you!

The Geography team.



Year 7 Enterprise Day

Last Friday, 30 Year 7 pupils participated in a NYBEP enterprise event, completing challenges to raise money for their own business.

The students involved demonstrated our RAS traits throughout, working wonderfully as part of their teams. We are very proud of them – well done!


Year 7 Risk Day

We were joined by the Ambulance Service, Fire and Rescue, York Rescue Boat, and Network Rail with the British Transport Police on Tuesday for our inaugural Y7 Risk Day.

Students cycled around the services learning about risks in the community and how to keep safe.

The VR headsets were a winner from Network Rail! Students demonstrated excellent listening skills – thank you for participating so keenly!


Year 9 YOLO Day

On Thursday, Y9 received a talk about cyber safety from North Yorkshire Police, with a timely reminder about what we post on social media ahead of the summer break.

Students then had sessions on mental health and body image, before a 2 hour play and workshop from Stephen Burke’s An Invisible Man theatre company.

Our students were absolutely exemplary in how they listened and engaged with the play’s themes, and the actors commented how our Year 9s had set the standard for future audiences in this tour.

We are so incredibly impressed with their focus throughout the day, and look forward to building on the themes in RAS lessons before the end of the year.


York Music Hub Network Event

Yesterday evening we welcomed over 30 music leads, university professors in the Arts and trustees to York High School for York Music Hub’s city-wide network event.

Those who attended were very complimentary of our school and Performing Arts Department.



Sports News

U13 Rounders

A great performance from our U13 rounders team against Manor last night.

Consistent bowling from Evie, even in high winds!

Strong hits from Maddie, Tegan and Sophie and great team work from all.

Thank you to Miss Jeans and baby for the superb coaching and preparing us for the event.

We look forward to next week’s inter school tournament.



In Other News



Next week’s focus – Litter – It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep our school clean and litter free..


Instrumental / Vocal Lessons from September 2024

Exciting news from York Music Hub last night at the city network event: as well as providing full bursaries for any student who is pupil premium, free school meals or a looked after child, there will now be bursaries available for families in receipt of universal credit for 30% of the fee for instrumental or vocal lessons! Please fill in the following form if you would like instrumental and/or vocal tuition next academic year. If your child currently has lessons, these will continue next academic year unless you let the hub know otherwise.


Lost Property

We have accumulated a large number of coats and items of lost property.

If your child has lost a coat, item of school uniform or anything else, please ask them to pop down to pupil reception at break or lunchtime to check lost property.

Any items not collected will be donated to charity over the summer holidays.

If your child has a tie at home with ‘YHS LOAN’ stamped on the inside label, please could you ensure it is returned to pupil reception early next week.

Thank you



Community News

SEND Coffee Morning

School Shoe Project

Twenty Two Kicks will be running the school shoe donation project again this summer!
They’re asking for all donations of footwear to be made via their donation bins from 19th July – 13th August (locations of donation bins can be found on our website).
Please do not donate any footwear that have holes in the soles or heels.
Once all donations have been made they will be collected, cleaned and ready to give away for free at one of our pop up events in August –
19th August 2024 – Holy Trinity Church, Goodramgate
20th August 2024 – SPARK:York
All information can be found online via their website –



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