It’s been another busy, fantastic week at York High School with a particular focus upon our Year 9 students.
We welcomed our Year 9 students, parents and carers to our Year 9 Pathway and Parents Evening. It was wonderful to see such a great turn out and this evening provided the exciting opportunity for our Year 9 students to start forming their decisions around the possible subjects that they may opt for in their Key Stage 4 studies.
A group of our Year 9 Sports Leaders also helped run the York Primary School Panathlon Event on Thursday which was hosted at York High School. Panathlon is a multi-activity festival of sport specifically for young people with SEND. Our Year 9 Sports Leaders were a credit to the school and demonstrated our RAS value of being a positive role model.
Our Year 9 cohort also welcomed the York Theatre Royal into school to deliver a Romeo and Juliet workshop to their English group. This workshop was kindly supported by colleagues from The Place. This was a fantastic experience and our students took so much away from this enrichment activity.
Our Year 11 students had their final year group photograph taken and also their final individual York High School student photographs. This marks a very special five years at York High School and we look forward to guiding this cohort towards the final preparations for their GCSE examinations. This superb group of young people are capable of achieving great things in their summer examinations.
And finally, our Year 11 students had their mock interviews today. This provided the opportunity to gain invaluable interview experience with businesses and people from the working world. This capped off a really useful career fortnight for our students.
Have a great weekend!
Gavin Kumar
Friday 14 February 2025
School closes for half-term break
Twenty-four students were rewarded with twenty-six rewards this week! Well done to Ella-Faith, Patryk, Isaac, Bradley, Logan, Callie-Leigh (two awards), Liam (two awards), Scarlett, Lucy, Ruby, Evie M, Halkat, Archie, Tally, Evie S, Harrison, Nyibol, Jules, Harley, Ethan, Jethro, Layla, Demi and Gracie – phew!
Well done to them all.
It's been another great week here at York High with lots going on! Take a look at this week's Principal's Weekly Post to find out more 👉
Have a great weekend everyone! 😀
👕 Y11 Leavers Hoodies👕
Leavers Hoodies available to order now!
If you would like to lay your hands on the 2025 Leavers Hoodie pop over to our supplier and order yours today!
Deadline for orders is Friday 14th March
#leavers2025 #LeaversHoodies
🎉 Excellence Every Day🎉
This week Mr Hardy met congratulated our students, Maddison, Dom, Jack, Alyssia, Alfie, Lucy, Izzy, Ben, Ryder, Safiyah, Scarlett, Zack, Amelia, Jake, Skye, Hayla, Sophie, Faith, Evan, Kian, Andrea & Max.
Fantastic work!
#success #ExcellenceEveryday
⭐️ Double Stamps ⭐️
Double Stamp Friday is back this week, so make sure you have you planner ready and get collecting.
More stamps mean more rewards - what will you spend your stamps on? 🏅🏵
#rewards #stamps #success