Name: Chloe Richardson
Profession: Nursery practitioner
Attended York High School: 2008-2013
Post-16 attended: York College/Leicester College
University or college? N/A
Favourite subject at school: Art
What I thought I wanted to do: Painting and decorating
What I ended up doing: Nursery practitioner
How I got here: I left school and went to York College for a year doing painting and decorating. I left that and did a few things until the age of 18 when I moved away to Lutterworth (123 miles from York). Whilst here I had a few jobs and then had a child at 21. After having my son I went back to college and completed my Level 2&3 Painting and Decorating. After lock down I saw an advert looking for nursery help and I went for and interview and have been here ever since.
Most useful skill or character trait for my job: Painting and decorating: ability to work with others, attention to detail and the ability to accept criticism. Nursery practitioner: creativity, patience and organisation.
Top tip! Do what makes you happy. Most importantly get your work finished. It’s more fun when you are able to see your friends without the worry of late assignments. Life can take a different path and you can change it if you really want to work for it.