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Message from the Head – Week 33

Week 33 – 9 June 2023

I want to start this week in drawing attention to two particular projects. Firstly, Mrs Harrison accompanied Charlotte, Caitlin and Riley to Westfield on Thursday as they were delivering an assembly to the Year 6 students on transition as part of their role as wellbeing ambassadors. Mrs Harrison said the following

“They delivered their presentation with so much confidence and care, it came across really naturally and all of their kind, compassionate personalities really shone through. I was proud to accompany them and can 100% say they did York High proud.”

On another note I want to draw attention to the 5 boys who completed the Ground force project. This started with Mr Walker in December when it was really cold. It has been brilliant to see the boys really excel when working towards their Level 1 in Horticulture. Well done to Matty, Ethan, Zach, Charlie and Leighton.

I have seen excellent teaching, really promising dance routines and some tired Year 11 students this week. It has been wonderful to be at YHS.

Rod Sims

Flamingo Land
We are delighted at the response so far to the Flamingo Land trip, thank you for returning the form so quickly. Don’t worry if you haven’t yet returned the form, there is still time! Pupils can get a spare copy of the letter (with the consent form) from the pastoral office.

The Flamingo Land trip is on Tuesday 18th July.

Please return the consent form by Friday 16th June. Payment details will then be added to Parent Pay.

Please make payment by Monday 3rd July.

Ground Force celebration evening
It was great to partake in our very first celebration evening in partnership with Ground force and Inspiring Lives. The group of Year 10 pupils undertook a landscaping project and achieved some fantastic work over in our wildlife area, repairing raised beds, clearing overgrown foliage and undertaking a Level 1 qualification in Horticulture. It was a lovely evening to see them collect their certificates and see their hard work.

I’d also like to thank Ground Force and Inspiring Lives for allowing us to be part of this project and look forward to maybe running the project again with a new cohort in the future.

Well done to Maddie and Megan for volunteering to help the environment by litter-picking in the school’s Wildlife Area. They have also been wildlife spotting, weeding, pond-dipping and making bird seed cakes to hang up. Here are some photos of them and some of the wildlife they found!


Pride 2023
This week we have been celebrating Pride.

On Saturday staff and students joined the 5000 strong York Pride Parade walking through the streets of York, spreading joy and colour.

As part of our non-uniform Pride celebration today staff and students have been welcomed into the library to add their hand print to our new Progress Flag, sharing our commitment to diversity and inclusivity at every level.

We can’t wait to get the new flag up and on display soon!

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