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Message from the Head – Week 38

Week 38 – 14 July 2023

Upcoming Events

  • Monday – York Knights Fun Day for Cain North. – Students to come to school in PE kit
  • Tuesday – Flamingo Land Trip
  • Friday – Final day of school, 3.10pm finish.

Fundraiser for Cain

On Monday we will be holding a fundraising day for York High alumni Cain North. Cain was diagnosed with stage 3 brain cancer after experiencing seizures.
Cain will now receive a course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Students will take part in a series of fun challenges for an hour to raise money to help Cain to travel to receive the treatment that he needs.

In 2017 Cain North was a York High School Pupil. In Year 11 he won the Trooper Ashley Smith Award for his contribution to the school PE department (particularly rugby).
Cain will be at the event to help.

Please bring £1 to school on Monday.

Arts Festival

It was an absolute privilege to accompany 38 of our pupils to the Barbican yesterday to take part in the SBMAT Arts Festival. The whole day was all about a celebration of the creativity and talent of our young people and they were incredible from the moment they arrived. During the day, they demonstrated real kindness and support to pupils from all of the other schools, and were fantastic role models to the primary pupils. Their positivity, enthusiasm and energy got everyone through a long day of arts activities and rehearsals. As performers, each and every one of them shone on stage, giving it their best and really rising to the occasion. The band were electric, the dancers were lyrical and elegant, and the Matilda cast were completely ‘revolting’! We couldn’t have been prouder. There was also a huge display of art work from pupils across all year groups of school, which looked spectacular. In addition, as part of the day, pupils from all schools contributed to some community art work which will be on display in schools very soon. 7 York High School Art students attended to support local artist Liz Collier who led the sessions. They worked alongside Liz and the pupils to guide them in the creation of the art pieces and were a credit to themselves and YHS. A huge thank you to all staff involved in the day, but particularly Mrs Turner and Miss Linsey who were integral in making sure our pupils were given this opportunity. And a massive well done to all of the pupils involved.

Year 11 Results Day

We hope all of our Year 11 students are enjoying their summer and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone on Results Day. Exam results are available from the Hall on Thursday 24th August from 9am. Any results envelopes not collected will be posted out later that day.

If your child has any revision guides that they no longer need, we would love to pass them on to a pupil in Year 10 or 11 who would really benefit from them. These can be dropped off at reception or brought in on Results Day.

Medical Records

We recently sent an email about any updates to your child’s medical records. Thank you for the responses we have received so far. If you haven’t yet returned the google form, please do so as soon as possible so that we can update our records before September.

STEM Conference

Last week, 24 Year 9 students visited the National Railway Museum to learn more about STEM careers.

They took part in a variety of activities, including learning about stop-motion, and building tectonic proof structures. They worked with a variety of employers including Nestle, Portakabin, the Army, the NHS and York Archaeological society.

They were a real credit to the school

Awards Evening

We were exceptionally proud of all the fantastic students who won awards this week. The Awards Evening celebration was well attended by parents who enjoyed performances from the band and YHS dancers along with a poem from Liv Smith.

Congratulations to all of our prize winners, we are very proud of you!

Hong Kong Visitors

Over the last few weeks, we have had over 50 Trainee Teachers visiting from Hong Kong. They are studying at York University and wanted to see a UK school in operation. Their feedback was overwhelmingly positive about the fabulous attitude to learning of our pupils. They took away some key elements of the teaching and learning at York High School that will help them in their future careers. The main one being the way in which York High teachers support and guide their pupils. The visitors were impressed by how well the teachers knew their students and the high expectations they set in the lessons. I am sure that the teaching in Hong Kong will benefit from the visit to York High School.

Geography Fieldwork

Well done to Year 10 Geographers who completed their GCSE fieldwork this week. On Monday 60 students went into York and collected information about tourism and observed the flood defences, fortunately the rain held off until we finished. The students were fantastic and a member of the public even commented on what a lovely group they were!

Religious Studies House Competition

Well done to the winners of our Religious Studies House Competition: Lewis, Evan and James! Pupils have worked hard to show their learning in Religious Studies this year by being creative in a range of unique ways. Lewis created an intricate display of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and used his science skills to create a circuit to light up the empty tomb of Jesus. James used the skills that he has developed in DT with the use of a soldering iron to etch an Islamic design into wood. Evan used his ICT skills to create a video that explains and displays his learning of the five pillars in detail.

Fantastic effort and creativity from our winners, and from across Year 7! Well done to all involved

Staff Football

This week saw an excellent evening of football competition between York school staff held at Vale of York. Six of York High’s finest turned up to represent the school and put on a show for the masses of Vale students watching, hoping for a laugh at their teachers’ expense!

Overall, we did really well and even managed not to finish bottom despite having no subs and a lot of rusty football skills…true resilience shown!
Mr Pattinson and Mr Clayton we’re rolling back the years, putting solid displays in at the back in front of Mr Ramsay who made some superb saves, keeping us in most of the games.

A couple of goals each were shared by myself (who knew refs could play a bit?) and Mr Panther-Whittaker with Mrs Haldenby getting in on the assists! Watch out for the UK 6-a-side Football Championships in 2024!!

Overall a very enjoyable evening with hopefully more staff events to come in the future.

– Mr Ledgeway

What a brilliant couple of weeks it has been.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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