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Message from the Head – Week 27

Week 27 – 19 April 2024

Key Dates

  • Y11 GCSE Exams begin – Tuesday 7th May

Rocking Week at YHS

There are no other words to start this weeks update than
I see a little silhouetto of a manScaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
For those of you who came to the performances in the evening or with the Primaries for the matinee I am sure that like me you will have been blown away by the passion, commitment and sheer joy that the students brought to the stage this week in the production of We Will Rock You.  
Massive congratulations to all of the Cast and crew in particular Mrs Lancaster and Miss Linsey who have worked so hard to put on a brilliant show.
To those of you who are coming tonight you are in for a treat.
Have a great weekend.

Rod Sims


Dutch Exchange

This week 14 of our Year 9 students took part in an exchange with Wateringse Veld College from the Netherlands who visited us in York.

They toured the school, participated in lessons, and considered the similarities and differences between their schools and lives before creating a presentation on the issues affecting them as young people.

They also had the opportunity to hike around Sutton Bank and the White Horse of Yorkshire, and go bowling with their new friends.

Our YHS students represented the school admirably and we are proud of the enthusiasm with which they approached each opportunity.

Miss Donkin


Last Friday, pupils with the best ATL scores in each year group went to Whitby!

The sun was shining for this special rewards trip and we all felt lucky to live near such a beautiful place.

Pupils (and staff!)  braved the 199 steps to Whitby Abbey, before enjoying an open-top tour bus journey through Whitby.  We learnt lots about the fishing trade, pirates and saw the whale-bone arch up close.

After a quick game of football on the beach, we were more than ready for our fish and chips lunch!  We browsed a few shops, before enjoying some time in Funland, with a quick ice cream stop before returning to school.

Competition for a place on the ATL trips is always fierce; well done to the pupils who were successful this time.

Thank you for consistently working so hard in your lessons and for being a credit to the school on the trip.

Miss Burns


Last chance to join the Rock Revolution!

What a week we have had, with our school production of We Will Rock You.

The cast and crew have worked together to create an amazing show, that has had audiences dancing in their seats!

If you haven’t seen the show, it’s not to late – we have one more performance tonight (Friday 19th April) so come on down and grab a ticket on the door.

Tickets: Adults £4, Children £3

This is truly a show not to be missed!



In Other News


YHS Way – Strong Finish


Summer Uniform

From May Day Bank Holiday (6th May), pupils have the option to wear tailored school shorts, such as the images below.

Pupils can wear tailored shorts but must be wearing plain black ankle/trainer socks.

The tailored school shorts must be purchased via SchoolShop.

No other type of short will be allowed.


Community News

NHS Dental Spaces

Hopkins and Poyner Dental practice, are pleased to have received a new contract that has opened up many NHS spaces for children up to 18 years.
There is an unfortunate shortage of NHS dentists in the area, so we hope this will help children in our community, to gain access to free dental care.
We are a local dental practice by the Guy Fawkes Inn, in York.
To register your child complete the registration form

Acomb Juniors – Cricket

Acomb Cricket Club U13s (Year 7&8) As&Bs on the lookout for some new players to booster numbers
Training Wednesday Night
Matches Sunday Morning
If interested please Contact –

Heslington Hurricanes – Taster Session

The Heslington Hurricanes are hosting a free taster session on Saturday 20th April, for new players to come and play some cricket.

Designed specifically for gender diverse people, women and girls aged 12/13 upwards the Heslington Hurricanes aim is to improve participation in the sport.

As the name suggests, we are based at Heslington Cricket Club in York.


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