Week 32 – 24 May 2024
Key Dates
- Half term break – Monday 27th – Friday 31st May
- Return to school – Monday 3rd June
New Principal Appointed
Great news this week that Gavin Kumar has been appointed as the new Principal for York High School. I am really pleased for the school as I am confident that Gavin will continue to build on the improvements we have made at YHS. He is not wasting any time in getting ready for September and I am meeting with him after school today to start the handover process. One of the things that has helped me run the school is the support I have received from staff, students and the wider school community. I have no doubt that this support will be extended to Mr Kumar and that you all look forward to welcoming him to YHS.
Year 11 – Well done in your exams this week. I know that you are all very tired so have a rest this weekend. You are doing really well only another two and a half weeks after half term.
On a more worrying note can I remind all students who come on their bikes to leave them in the bike sheds. There have been a number of thefts from outside Energise recently especially when bikes are left there unlocked.
Have a great half term and we look forward to seeing you after half term on Monday 3rd June.
Rod Sims
Year 11 Exams
It has been an intense few weeks for Year 11 since their first exam on 7th May.
We have been so proud of their commitment and focus, with record numbers of pupils attending revision breakfasts and pupils have been brilliant in the Timetable for Success (TT4S) revision sessions.
I hope pupils take some time to unwind over half-term while continuing to stick to their revision schedule so they come back feeling refreshed and able to give their last exams as much effort and focus as their first exams.
Pupils start back on Monday 3rd June with Maths Paper 2 at 8:40am and there will be a revision breakfast at 8am that morning. There are TT4S revision sessions taking place every day that week so it is really important pupils continue to attend every day to get the benefit of these tailored sessions.
Well done so far Year 11. Have a great half term and we’ll see everyone for Maths on 3rd June!
Art of Protest
Was your child part of the Art of Protest spray can practice room workshop?
Art of Protest, who ran the session, are very keen to hear from parents about the impact the project had on their child and what their thoughts on the workshop were as a whole.
If you are able to provide a written statement or would be willing to be on video to talk about the impact, please contact Mrs Lancaster.
York College – Getting Started
Are you feeling anxious about starting College? This is a great chance for students and their parents and carers to find out about all the support options available and have a look around the College whilst it is quiet.
In Other News
YHS @ Pride
York High School will once again be joining the York Pride Parade.
On Saturday 1st June we would like to invite our students, ex-students and their families to join us on the fantastic parade through York.
We will be meeting between 11:15am – 11:30am in St Helens Square.
Look for the York Mix Radio Bus, and you will find us!
The parade sets off at 12 noon, arriving at the Knavesmire around 1:30pm
For more information about York Pride, the wider parade and the festival site, please visit YorkPride.org.uk
Community News
New Service
‘Yorchoice’ – Young People’s Mental Health Support in York
Who is it for?
The Mental Health drop-in is for anyone aged 14-21 yrs (up to 25yrs for those with SEND)
What can we offer?
- A relaxed environment where Young People are listened to and supported to take steps forward with managing their own Mental Health.
- Help and support around accessing local services in York, which are most appropriate to their individual needs.
- Coping strategies and tips around dealing with their own Mental Health and Wellbeing.
- A proactive approach to support Young People who may be on a mental health waiting list and need support in the ‘here and now’ to bridge the gap before their appointment.
- A non-judgemental mental health safe space.
Please note: The drop in will not be a crisis service or a youth club
For more information please take a look at this letter from York Mind
Make Space For Girls
The Make Space for Girls Festival is a month-long programme of over 30 FREE events aimed at 10-18 year olds.