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Message from the Head – Week 34

Week 34 – 14 June 2024


Key Dates

  • Year 10 Practice Exams – Start Tuesday 18th June
  • Y9 Hornsea Trip – Friday 21st June


End of an Era

It is always a bittersweet week when we have the Year 11 Leavers assembly.
If I have one regret about YHS it is that we do not have a Sixth Form.
This years leavers have finished really strong and I and the rest of the staff at school wish all of our Year 11 the best of luck for the future.
This year is also sad for me personally as for the last time ever the students were treated to the born at this wall . . .  assembly.
Never again will it be seen on the stage, I can hear some of you say about time that both Mr Sims and that assembly were retired!!!
Big changes are coming at YHS and I was delighted to announce alongside Mr Walker that the Pastoral system at YHS will be changing back to year groups in September.
You have all received a more detailed email but here is a quick summary of tie colour (replaced free of charge where needed) and the new Heads of Year.
  • Year 7 – Purple, Mr Hunt
  • Year 8 – Yellow, Mr Rowe
  • Year 9 – Red, Mrs Crotty
  • Year 10 – Green, Mr Swales
  • Year 11 – Blue, Mr Walker
Great feedback recently on the behaviour and attitude of our students when on school trips, representing the school at the sports festival or when assisting as sports leaders.  All of the feedback says that we have the best students in the city.
Enjoy fathers day this weekend.
Rod Sims


Year 7 Bradford Trip

This week, some of our Year 7 pupils visited Bradford to explore some of the places of worship belonging to the religions that we have been studying throughout the Year.

Pupils enjoyed meeting members of the Muslim and Sikhi communities, and looking around their places of worship. It was impressing to see so many questions being asked to our each of our guides, and to see some of the religious clothes and artefacts first hand. Pupils had definitely built up an appetite for our visit to pizza hut afterwards!


Year 10 Hospitality & Catering

Earlier this year an opportunity arose for York High School to become involved in the Hospitality Connect partnership. Mrs Webster attended an event at Middlethorpe Hall Hotel to see who we were going to be partnered with; as we are the only school in York to offer Hospitality and Catering at GCSE, we have been partnered with two fantastic hotels: The Dean Court Hotel and The Queens Hotel.

The partnership between ourselves and both hotels means that our pupils will be given amazing opportunities to see the Hospitality and Catering sector in action, as well as being able to participate in key roles.

On Tuesday 4th June, The Managers and Assistant Managers from both hotels came into school to meet the Yr. 10 Hospitality and Catering students.

They explained to the students the different roles they have within their hotel and the opportunities available within the industry.

All Yr. 10’s were exceptional; asking interesting questions and participating fully in the activities put on by our guests.

Our students were a credit to York High and I have since received an email from Steve Bailey, General Manager of The Dean’s Court Hotel, complimenting the school on our students and stating how much he is looking forward to working with them all in the future.

The next event planned will be in September when the Students will have the opportunity to visit the Hotels.


Aesthetica Film Festival

We had our first session with Cherie from Aesthetica on Friday after school and it was ‘An Intro to the Film Industry’ where students looked at different careers in the film industry, gained an understanding of the end goal of the project and started to think of ideas for their own film.

The feedback from Cherie was that our students were some of the most engaged she had worked with on this project and they were ‘a joy’!

The final films will be shown at City Screen as part of the Bafta qualifying festival in November 2024.


Sports News


Our U13 Athletics team went over to Millthorpe School on Thursday 6th June for the first round of the York Schools Athletics. All of our athletes made us proud in the way they conducted themselves, dealt with their nerves and gave it their all!

A big well done to everyone who had the courage to attend and congratulations to the following for qualifying for the semi-finals:

  • Riley, 1st in the 800m
  • Logan, 1st in the 100m
  • Max, 2nd in the 1200m
  • Evie, 2nd in the 100m and high jump.
  • Sophie, 2nd in the 200m
  • Y7 boys relay team and Y8 girls relay team.


Athletics Update – Thursday 14th June

31 athletes from YHS attended the semi-final of the York Schools Athletics yesterday afternoon. Again, every one of them made us proud in the way they conducted themselves and gave it their all!

Congratulations to the following for securing a place in the final;

  • Annie
  • Logan
  • Peyton
  • James
  • Max
  • Alexa
  • Y10 girls relay team; Jess, Lottie, Olivia, Liv!


In Other News



Next week’s focus – We respond promptly and respectfully to all staff instructions


Instrumental / Vocal Lessons from September 2024

Please fill in the following form if you would like instrumental and/or vocal tuition next academic year.

If your child currently has lessons, these will continue next academic year unless you let the hub know otherwise.


Lost Property

We have accumulated a large number of coats and items of lost property prior to breaking up for half term.

If your child has lost a coat, item of school uniform or anything else, please ask them to pop down to pupil reception at break or lunchtime to check lost property.

Any items not collected will be donated to charity over the summer holidays.

If your child has a tie at home with ‘YHS LOAN’ stamped on the inside label, please could you ensure it is returned to pupil reception early next week.

Thank you



Community News

Parent Carer Forum Newsletter

Summer Reading Challenge

Explore Libraries are looking for young volunteers (aged 13+) to support their Summer Reading Challenge.

For more information about volunteering opportunities, visit: Volunteer – Explore York

Explore – Coder Dojo Club

Explore are looking for volunteers to help support our Coder Dojo club!

York CoderDojo is a friendly place to meet and develop coding and tech skills or learn something new.

Informal sessions where young people from 7-17 and families can come along and work on projects, develop new skills, participate in challenges, whatever they want.

York CoderDojo are there to provide guidance, encouragement & support in a relaxed environment.

Participants can work on an existing project, learn something new, show others their cool coding projects or just see what’s going on.

CoderDojo is volunteer run and based in a community setting, the primary focus giving young people a space, where they can have fun with tech on their terms and take part in tech that is interesting and fun for them.

CoderDojo is free for people to attend, which is where the digital inclusion comes into it. Individuals can bring in their own laptops, but we want to make this as inclusive as possible and have access for everyone, so we would have equipment for young people to use in the session.

More info can be found here

The first session would run Sat 27th July and then continue on the fourth Sat of every month at Our Lady’s Church Hall, Acomb.

 Want to know more about how to sign up and become a CoderDojo volunteer – email Grace at or


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