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Message from the Head – Week 8

Week 8 – 27 October 2023

At the end of a long half term, we are very proud of our students for how they have shown resilience and aspiration.

Pupils quickly settled back into the routine of school, taking pride in their uniform, with the correct equipment and a positive attitude to learning.

For the overwhelming majority, this has been sustained throughout the half term.  They have embraced the YHS Way which is shared in tutor time, lessons and assemblies.


RAS Achievers

Congratulations to our RAS Achievers this week, who have been nominated by History.

Pupils have been selected by Mr Hardy, Miss Clements and Miss Bettney for their exceptional attitude to learning and progress this term.


Every Day Counts

Thank you for your support in ensuring that pupils attend school well and on time.

We hope that the weekly texts are helpful in sharing attendance information with you and that many of you have enjoyed more regular contact through our weekly telephone calls.

We say goodbye and good luck to our Attendance Officer Miss Sowden who moves on to a school nearer to her home.

Miss Harrison has successfully been appointed as our new Attendance Officer and will be joined by two new members of staff in attendance, Mrs Armstrong and Miss Brooks who will join us next half term.


Year 11

Year 11 students are now preparing for their mock exams in November.

Mr Byrne has shared revision materials for over half term and resources are available on Google Classroom.

As ever, it is important to balance revision and preparation with some time for relaxation and we hope that Year 11 students will find time for both over the holiday.



After the half term we are changing our procedures in Internal Exclusion (IE) to become aligned with our YHS Way.

As we strive to have pupils who are respectful, confident and empowered the room will be known as ‘Reflection’.

Students will dedicate time during the day to enable them to make better choices moving forward.

We have developed knowledge organisers from subjects to ensure pupils do not miss out on key content and they will also be taught the YHS way expectations.

We are confident these changes will ensure a more positive learning environment.


York Unlocked

On Tuesday this week, 30 Year 8 students explored the historical significance of buildings in York, taking part in the York Unlocked workshop at the Theatre Royal.

We explored the city centre and embarked on a walking tour to see some of the lesser known landmarks and buildings.

I was really proud of how the students who came with me conducted themselves and represented the school well and we all left with a greater appreciation how lucky we are to live in York!


The Place

Based in Sanderson Community House, Bramham Road, The Place provides activities for children, young people and adults from the local community.

The Place opens on Monday 30th October.


York Wellbeing in Mind Team News

Welcome to our Wellbeing Newsletter

Autumn 1: 2023

WHAT we are doing in Schools?

  • Early intervention for young people in schools.
  • Work with school staff to build a Whole School Approach to mental health.
  • Act as a link between schools and local mental health services.
  • Offer advice, support and signposting information.

York High:

  • Delivering direct work to young people
  • Offering consultation space to all pastoral staff members
  • Being present with a stall and notice board at the Year 6 transition parents evening
  • Delivered a self-esteem, confidence and resilience building sessions over 4 weeks to a small group of young people
  • The wellbeing in mind team have been contributing to the weekly Facebook Wellbeing Wednesday posts and also supporting the wellbeing ambassadors to complete some of these
  • Transition drop- in sessions for new starters
  • Attended parents evening

Autumn Term

It’s been a half term full of transitions, change and growth across our schools and within the Wellbeing in Mind Team. We’ve assisted children and young people across the city as they negotiate the back-to-school anxiety, with a particular focus on supporting Year 7’s as they start their journey into secondary. We’ve also had some new starters of our own as we welcome two senior clinicians and four trainee educational mental health practitioners into the Wellbeing in Mind Team. As the nights draw in and we look forward to seasonal celebrations like Halloween and Bonfire Night why not take the time to Connect, whether that be at home or with your community. You can also connect with us, on Instagram and X where you will find our self-care tips for autumn. This month we also celebrated World Mental Health Day which saw many of our schools wearing yellow to champion the importance of reaching out if you are struggling.

The Wellbeing in Mind Team



We hope that you enjoy the half term holiday and we look forward to seeing all pupils back in school at 8.40am on Monday 6th November.  When we return it will be Week A.

Have a great week!

Rod Sims





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