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Message from the Head – Week 13

Week 13 – 07 December 2023

Key Dates

  • School Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 13th December
  • Festive Showcase – Thursday 14th December – 6pm
  • Year 11 Parents Evening – Wednesday 20th December – 4:30~7:30pm
  • Last day of Term – Wednesday 20th December – 3:10pm

Christmas Update from Mr Sims

I think many of you know what a difficult year 2023 has been for me health wise.  It gives me a lot of joy to be finishing the year with the following

As you know I was diagnosed with stage 3 Colon Cancer in June which was treated through Chemotherapy and then surgery to remove the tumour.  The Chemotherapy was successful in reducing the size of the tumour and at the start of November, I underwent a successful 11-hour operation to remove the tumour.  The results from the tests after the operation have come back and I am now cancer free.

When you face difficult times your world often shrinks to the support of your immediate family and the amazing medical staff in the NHS.  I have been lifted in my fight knowing that so many people have been supporting me through cards, best wishes asking after me or just having positive thoughts.  So, I want to say thank you to:

  • The amazing staff at York High School for all your messages and support.
  • The students who have been so positive and caring when I was in school and those of you who have asked after me whilst I have been away.
  • The parents who are going through similar difficult times
  • and those who work for cancer charities helping others to fight this disease,

Thank you for your support.

I have always thought of YHS as more than just a school, it is a community and I thank you all for raising me on your shoulders in helping me overcome my cancer.

My thoughts and best wishes are with anyone who is still fighting against Cancer this Christmas, I wish that you all have the same positive outcome as I have.

I am hoping to be in school briefly before Christmas but then to return in the New Year.  I can’t wait to see you all again.

Merry Christmas

Rod Sims


Year 11 Parents Evening

Year 11 Parents’ Evening will be held in the hall on Wednesday 20th December from 4.30-7.30pm.

The booking system on School Cloud is now open for parents to make appointments.  If you have any difficulty with this, please contact Rachel Walker in the pastoral office who will be able to help or email her at

Year 11 pupils will receive their mock exam results at Parents’ Evening.

We know that success comes from pupils, parents and school working together so this is a great opportunity to make sure that your child is on track to achieve their full potential in the summer GCSEs and give themselves the best possible life chances for the future.


Attendance Update

Miss Burns is delighted with the high number of pupils who are on 100% this term!

Pupils joining the 100 Club will receive their badges (and donuts!) on Wednesday 20th December which is the last day of term for pupils.

Wednesday 20th December is a full day in school, finishing at 3.10pm.

The Every Day counts drawer for the Amazon gift cards will also be made on this date.  Pupils with a full week of attendance are entered into this drawer each week so some pupils will have 16 chances to win!

Some pupils are also working hard to improve their attendance to above 90% before the end of term.  90% is the critical number because this is the Government’s definition of ‘persistently absent.’  Five full days next week will help to achieve this and ensure that no learning time is lost.


Christmas Dinner Day

Christmas Dinner Day will take place on Wednesday 13h December.

Dolce will only be offering the festive meal on this day.


Uniform Reminder

Please can we remind parents of the expectation for January that school skirts are a straight style and professional length, as a guide this is approximately 20 inches in length.

We remain committed to keeping uniform costs as low as possible so school skirts are unbranded and can be bought from a range of retailer.

The Schoolshop stocks a straight style skirt and is available priced from £13.50.

The typical skirt that we recommend can be viewed and ordered from them on the website

Thank you for your support with this.


YHS Festive Showcase

Our Festive Showcase is going to be a spectacular collection of songs, readings and entertainment on 14th December from 6-7pm.

There will also be a preview of the next school musical ‘We Will Rock You’ as well as the much anticipated ‘Staff Christmas Cracker’!

Tickets are only £3 and can be purchased on ParentPay or through the finance office.

Mrs Muress is also busy planning one of her famous raffles! with tickets just £1 each.

Plus, thanks to Tesco we will be holding a Winter Warmers Sale, with Christmas jumpers, fun outfits and winter hats from just £2!


Sparx Maths

SparxMaths weekly homework for year 7 to 10

So far this year over 1816 hours of independent Maths work have been completed and 238,325 questions have been answered correctly.
142 students have improved their times tables.
8x/Ma1 have improved their completion rate the most out of all classes.
And the students shown have reached the next XP level.


Christmas Hampers

A big thank you to our governor Amanda Crouch and Justine Whitelam who runs the Community Christmas Toy Appeal and Hampers who kindly donated 15 Christmas hamper bags to school this week.

They have been kindly donated to families in our local community.


RAS Achievers

This week PE staff have nominated pupils for excellence in PE.

Well done to Ebraham, Maisie, Eddie and Jess for their consistently high levels of aspiration, participation in enrichment opportunities and being role models in their PE lessons.


Have a great weekend.

Victoria Burns

Acting Headteacher




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