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School of the Year 2023?

We are proud to announce that York High School has been shortlisted in the final three for the York Evening Press Community Pride Awards as “School of the Year.”





York High is a school which thrives by being part of a community built on strong relationships between parent/carers staff and pupils. The school has been nominated for its work with this community during the cost-of-living crisis and how they go the extra mile to achieve the best for all of their pupils.

York High School Headteacher, Rod Sims, said: “The nomination for School of the Year is a fantastic recognition for all of the staff, pupils and parents. Over the last few years we have worked together to make York High the great school it is today. During this academic year, we received the Ofsted rating of Good, we are oversubscribed for next year and to receive this nomination shows that it is no longer a secret that we are as good as any school in York.”

The awards ceremony will take place on 28 September at York Racecourse and will be hosted by ITV presenter Kate Walby. We’re keeping everything crossed for big announcement!

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