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Message from the Head


Message from the Head

Week 36 – 30 June 2023 Upcoming Events Monday 3rd July – Year 6 Meet the Tutor Evening Monday 3rd July – SBMAT Festival of Sport Tuesday 4th July – Year 6 Meet the Tutor Evening Wednesday 5th July – Year 6 Transition Day (School closed to Year 7 to 10) Friday 7th July –...
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Week 34 – 16 June 2023 This week, we said farewell to our Year 11 students with their Leavers’ Assembly and today (Friday) was the final full cohort examination. Next week, we have only two exams left for those students who take Design & Technology and Food. I would like to take this opportunity to...
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Week 21 – 24 February 2023 It was great to end the last half term on Children’s Mental Health Week. KS3 pupils made paper chains highlighting the importance of connecting and KS4 pupils sent postcards to those they feel connected to. Should you require any support around your child’s mental health please get in touch...
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Week 17 – 13 January 2023 Upcoming Events Monday 16th January – Year 9 Options Taster Day Tuesday January – 17th GCSE Certificates Despite this being a really busy week at YHS the atmosphere when I have walked around school has been so calm. Blustery conditions can often lead to blustery behaviour in schools but...
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Week 19 – 3 February 2023 Personal news to start this week, for many years I have struggled with what has become an arthritic ankle. I had postponed the operation 3 years ago as I did not want to spend any length of time away from YHS while we were on our improvement journey. I...
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Week 24 – 17 March 2023 I can’t believe that I have been at York High School for a month already; and what a month it has been. I have to say that the whole school community have made me feel very welcome and the students and staff have been fantastic – especially if I...
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Week 28 – 28 April 2023 I am very proud of the Year 11 students this week.  Even when faced with industrial action on Thursday the majority of them came in and worked really hard.  We have only a few short weeks of preparation, intervention and revision left and it is lovely to see them...
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Week 26 – 31 March 2023 As the Spring Term draws to a close, it’s important to reflect on all of the positive aspects of life at York High School. The efforts of the sports teams this term have been a credit to the RESILIENCE of the students. They may not have always won, but...
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Week 30 – 12 May 2023 It’s Good to Be Back It has been great to be back at YHS even for part of the time. It is strange but when you have had an enforced absence you appreciate the things that you take for granted normally. The genuine good wishes and warm welcomes I...
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Week 32 – 26 May 2023 The first half of the summer term is complete and the GCSEs are well underway. Year 11 have completed a large number of their examinations already and have the remaining ones after the half term holidays. I hope that the break is an enjoyable one for all members of...
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